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Bachelors of Science in Mathematics with an emphasis in Education

Texas Educator Certifications

Computer Science: (Grades 8-12)

Mathematics/Physical Science/Engineering: (Grades 6-12)

Mathematics: (Grades 7-12)

Teaching Experience (4 Years)

Computer Science I, II, & AP - 2 Years

Robotics 1 - 5 Years

Robotics II - 3 Year

Principles of Applied Engineering - 4 Years

Engineering Design & Problem Solving - 3 Year

Remedial Algebra - 2 Years

 After School Activities

UIL Computer Science - 3 Years

CyberStart America - 2 Years

Robotics - 6 Years

About Mr. C

I chose to be a STEM educator my freshman year of college when mentoring my high school robotics team. I have always had a passion for training kids. I get energized when I have helped someone to master a concept that they did not understand before. I have taught an array of STEM positions at both the high school and middle school level. Currently, I have found my niche in Computer Science.


My computer science lab is 100% student designed and built, from the computers to the stations! My class covers a plethora of computer science concepts anywhere from hardware to software to micro-controllers. We focus on learning Java, but students also getting experience in Javascript, Python, and RobotC.


All projects are designed by me for the class. I use Amazon's Learning Management System (Edhesive) as supplement for in class material and it is my main method for teaching remote students. I believe in a future where the student is their own teacher and the teacher is a facilitator of learning.

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Java Examples - From Class


Lesson Plan Examples

Exponential Decay
Similar Triangles
Mars Rovers
Anchor 1

STEAM Summer of Dreams

I have enjoyed the opportunity to design our district's elementary/middle school Summer Programming Camps for two years now in collaboration with our high school's robotics students. Covid-19 provided an extra design challenge this year. Kits were designed by staff and students then shipped out to the campers.


Instructions and supplies had to be designed to function remotely. After students received their kits, our high schoolers were available via ZOOM to help the campers along in their projects while the adult staff helped design and facilitate the learning at all levels


Camp Outline (I designed programming and co-designed robotics)

Anchor 2

Walter Mark II: Used in my high school Computer Science classes to teach Functions, conditions, variables, loops, radio communication, and rotation. Students first learned to program the robots to navigate a maze autonomously, then were allowed to program remote controls to play soccer!


Walter Mark III: Designed as part of a collaborative grant with our middle school Computer Apps class to get students exposed to programming at an early age and increase computer literacy.


Who is Walter?


Walter Mark I: Designed by me and my students for deployment at our remote programming camp for elementary and middle school students.


Youtube Build Video Instructions (By my students)

Instructables Build Instructions (By me)

Sonar Programming Video (By my students)

Instuctables Basic Program (By me & my students)

Maze Program
Radio Program
Anchor 3

FRC Team 9034
The Space Dolphins

2023 was my first year as lead mentor of FIRST Robotics team 9034 The Space Dolphins. With help from my students, sponsorship from NASA, Texas Workforce Comission, Mesquite Education Foundation, and Ashley Homestore, we built the team from the ground up!


The robot took 2 months to build and over $20,000. Our team has won Rookie All-Star, Highest Rookie Seed, and Rookie Inspire for our outreach programs. We qualified for and competed in State where I took my kids to visit the Johnson Space Center. If you would like to read more about our team this season, you can click the engineering notebook to the left!

Mars Rover Simulation

While teaching at the middle school I designed a Mars Rover simulation project (As seen in my lesson plan above). The video to the right was my Entry Event to get the students excited (Only a few figured out it was green screen)!

Students received a Mission Briefing and began designing solutions to the problem set before them. Students spent the next weeks programming, testing their prototypes, documenting their progress, and 3D printing parts to get their robots ready for the challenge. Just as with the real NASA rovers, students were not allowed access to the landing site until the test day and had from a remote view.


The funding for the project came from our local Excellence Foundation and the Mars terrain I designed and built with help from the my mentor teacher at the high school. The whole experience was a blast, but the best part by far was working with the students. It was amazing getting to see them gain so many skills while the whole time having fun! It is awesome to multiply the skills that I have by sharing them with others. The middle schoolers blew my mind with what they are capable of!



Anchor 4

Designed by me and my students.

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Fusion 360 Playlist

Game Design Playlist

VEXCode Playlist



Java Playlist


Pre Teaching Resume

Clifton Strengths


Precision Lesson

Couldn't have done it without these two!

Mentor Teacher:

Marcus Edwards


STEM Education Professor:

Dr. Melanie Fields

Download General Reference Letter

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